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Welcome to the Criminal Law
Internship Program (CLIP)


The Criminal Law Internship Program (CLIP), is your gateway to hands-on learning and professional growth. CLIP presents a previously unavailable opportunity for law students and professionals to immerse themselves in the dynamic world of private criminal law practice.

CLIP is an initiative of Emma Turnbull Lawyers and is designed to provide aspiring criminal lawyers with hands-on experience and mentorship in the field. This program is designed to bridge the gap between classroom learning and a real-world career in criminal law.

Recognising the diverse commitments of our participants, CLIP offers flexible internship formats to accommodate varying schedules. Choose from a week-long intensive program or two other intensive options tailored to fit around university studies or professional obligations.

Gain Real-World Insights: Experience the day-to-day workings of criminal law practice. Attend Court, meet with barristers, observe client conferences and be a part of the preparation of real files.

Work Alongside Legal Teams: Collaborate with seasoned legal professionals, observe specialist defence counsel and make lifelong contacts.

Give Your Career a Boost: Kick-start your legal career with unparalleled exposure and connections in the industry of criminal law.

Make lifelong friends: Meet other likeminded students and professionals interested in pursuing careers in criminal law.

Get ahead of the pack: You will learn where to go, what to focus on and how to prepare for your early career in criminal law.

Key Dates

CLIP will run three times in 2024.

A two-day intensive version of the program will run in June and October.

The weeklong program will run in August.

October CLIP Dates

Applications open:             2 September 2024

Applications close:             16 September 2024

Interns announced:           20 September 2024

Welcome Function:           4 October 2024

October program:              7-8 October 2024

Applications Opening 01/07/24

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions?

We’ve got answers!

Visit our FAQ page for insights into the program’s details and logistics.

Meet the Lawyers

The dedicated team of defence advocates at Emma Turnbull Lawyers will be your hosts for your internship. You can read more about the individual lawyers you will meet here.